Wealthcons Affirms Position at the Seminar “Technology in Design and Construction”


At the seminar "Technology in Design and Construction: Trends and Future" organized by the Vietnamese-German University, Wealthcons shared profound insights into the application of advanced technologies in the construction industry. The seminar attracted numerous experts and businesses, creating a valuable exchange of knowledge and experiences.

In the digital age, experts believe that young architects and engineers in the construction and project management fields must possess unique qualities to maximize the benefits of technology. They need to be both tech-savvy and strategically visionary to make informed decisions about deploying technological solutions in projects. Additionally, they must know how to lead and collaborate with other team members to optimize workflows using new technologies.

Mr. Nguyen Luong Tri Quang, CEO of Wealthcons Investment Construction Joint Stock Company, emphasized: “In development, we need people and technology; therefore, investment must consider efficiency. The future trend is to apply technology, especially in construction, as technology only improves projects, like the application of BIM. Enhancing the knowledge of the construction workforce must start from the classroom to the construction site. This workforce needs to cultivate certain skills such as resilience, innovation, and lifelong learning,” Mr. Quang asserted.

Mr. Nguyen Phuc Binh An, Technical Director of Wealthcons Investment Construction Joint Stock Company, shared the construction industry's prospects in the coming time: “The construction industry plays a crucial role in a country's socio-economic development. It provides infrastructure, facilitating the development of production, business, commerce, and services. Additionally, this industry also contributes to job creation and income enhancement for workers.”

The seminar was not only an opportunity for Wealthcons to showcase its achievements and plans but also a forum for businesses and experts in the construction industry to discuss the challenges and opportunities of applying technology in the future. Through this, Wealthcons continues to affirm its pioneering position and commitment to promoting innovation and sustainable development for Vietnam's construction industry.